mBarking >> Reef In Training!
mBarking >> Beautiful Edge
mBARKing on new Adventures

mBarking >> Attitude
mBarking >> Reef so Handsome
Edge and Joni earned enough points and have been invited to the NADAC pre-elite 2019 Regionals.
Reef has earned his Advanced Tricks Title through Do More With Your Dog
January 2019
Edge and Joni earned High In Trial - Novice Veteran - at Galloping Dog's agility January 2019 trial



NADAC accomplishments
Edge has earned her :
Elite Outstanding Tunnelers title
GDAC January 2019 agility trial

Novice * Outstanding Touch 'N Go title
Open Outstanding Hoopers title
ARF March 2019 agility trial

Novice Superior Chances Tttle
Open * Outstanding Barrelers title
Open * Superior Hoopers title
Open Regular title
ARF October 2019 agility trial

Open JumpersTitle
GDAC March 2019 agility trial

Novice Superior Regular Title (20 runs)
Copper Paws September 2019 trial

 Outstanding - 6 runs
Superior - 10 runs





mBarking >> Attitude
mBarking >> Reef so Handsome
mBarking >> Beautiful Edge
mBarking >> Reef In Training!
mBARKing on new Adventures
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